ict, fct, funkční testy, feinmetall piny, contact probes, kontaktní piny

Product categories

Inline handler/tester

The IMT inline handler/tester is a universal solution for high running manufacturing as well as for flexible production. The device enables...


Unites and TRI FCT/ICT testers are dedicated for testing of PCBs or complete products. We test standard electrical parametres (voltage, currents...

Contact probes

Welcome in the offer of contact probes for reliable contacting of electronics by a German manufacturer Feinmetall. Fifty years of development...

Testing jigs / modules

Testing jigs and modules manufactured by IMT are dedicated for contacting and fixation of various types of connectores in wire-harness or in...


We design and manufacture fixtures for testing of PCBs or assembled products. The offer includes manual, automatic or special fixtures (e.g....

ICT flying probe

We offer ICT Flying Probe testers by Takaya – a pioneer and the world’s largest supplier of these systems in the world. Unlike the...

Industrial ceramic components Doceram

DOCERAM GmbH deals with design and production of high performing industrial ceramics. These parts find their applications in many industrial...

Electrical and thermal insulation Dotherm

Dotherm designs and produces composite materials for electrical and thermal insulation. The parts are either standard or on demand usually from...